To the legions of fans of It’s Alive (
We need you now more than ever to contact Comcast and express your displeasure with their decision to drop WBGN. Tell them you are switching carriers. Tell them whatever you want.
The person to contact is Linda Hossinger. Her direct phone number is 412-747-6417. If her mailbox is full, her assistant’s number is 412-747-6711. Or just call 1-800-COMCAST and ask for customer service.
You can also email Linda at She’s out of the office until Tuesday so that gives you time to load up her voice mail and email.
Instructions will be forthcoming for anyone who wants to dress as a zombie and visit the Comcast office in Robinson. In the meantime, phone & email, but sit tight.
If you haven't signed the online petition, visit our web site at for the link. Please, please - don't sign nicknames or fake names, sign your first and last name and only sign once.
Peace out,